Vegetable escalopines in sweet and sour sauce are a delicious and not very difficult to prepare option that allows a turn to traditional Cantonese cuisine, making it healthier, more ethical and more sustainable.
Of the different ways that exist to prepare this dish, opting for ingredients such as rice vinegar and a soft ketchup in which sweet notes predominate, the sauce will be more bodied and, at the same time, more delicate.
The escalopines give an incredible texture that, in addition, allows a total absorption of the flavor of the sweet and sour sauce, with which, we obtain a spectacular result and full of sweet, salty and acid accents.
With this dish, in addition to the protein , fiber , isoflavones and calcium provided by legume escalopines , we also benefit from carbohydrates , beta-carotene , lycopene , tryptophan , vitamins C , E , K and group B ( B3 , B6 and B9 or folic acid , and to a lesser extent B1 and B2 ), potassium , phosphorus , magnesium , sodium , sulfur and, to a lesser extent, iron , manganese , copper , selenium and zinc that give us the rest of the ingredients.
Below you can see what ingredients you need and the steps to follow in order to make this delightful loaded with vegetable protein.
Difficulty level | Preparation time | Rations |
Medium | 1 h. y 30 m. | For 4 people |
* Plus 2 hours of rest
- 150 gr. escalopines of legumes
- 60 gr. rice flour
- 30 gr. corn starch
- 1/2 teaspoon chemical yeast
- 2 tablespoons chickpea flour
- 75 ml. water
- 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 red pepper
- 1/2 green pepper
- 1 purple onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 slice ginger
- 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 pinch of salt
For marinating
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 75 ml. rice vinegar
- 1 tablespoon corn starch
For the sweet and sour sauce
- 5 tablespoons ketchup
- 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
- 1 y 1/2 teaspoons whole cane sugar
- 8 tablespoons water
- In a large bowl, we make the marinade with the soy sauce, the 75 ml. of rice vinegar and the tablespoon of corn starch. We stir until everything is well mixed and we reserve.
- We hydrated the scallops by submerging them in warm water for 15 minutes.
- After this time, we drain them and pass them to the bowl where we have the marinade. Cover it and let it sit for 2 hours, stirring from time to time with care so that it is well impregnated.
- Peel and finely chop garlic and ginger. Put the oil to heat in a pan and, when it is warm, sauté the garlic and ginger for a couple of minutes. Add the onion and peppers and a pinch of salt, and let it be done for about 7 minutes, without getting to soften completely. We put out the fire and reserve.
- Prepare the sweet and sour sauce with the ketchup, the tablespoon of rice vinegar, the teaspoon of sugar, the 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder and the 5 tablespoons of water. We beat everything with a rod and reserve.
- Mix in a bowl the 60 gr. of rice flour, 30 gr. of corn starch, 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour, 75 ml. of water, apple cider vinegar and yeast, and beat with a fork.
- After 2 hours of rest, we put to heat a pan with enough oil to fry. Overcook the escalopines in the mixture that we have just prepared and when the oil is hot, we fry them in batches on one side and on the other. when they are golden brown on both sides, we take them out and place them on a plate on absorbent paper.
- We put the sweet and sour sauce in the pan where we have prepared the sofrito with the peppers and the onion (step 4) and heat by going around. When we see that the sauce begins to thicken, add the escalopines and stir gently for a couple of minutes so that everything is mixed well without breaking. After this time, we put out the fire and serve it.

- You can substitute soy sauce ( shoyu ) for tamari, that does not contain gluten.
- You can accompany this dish with rice B asmati sautéed With a little garlic and oil.
If you have any questions, you can leave it to us in the comments. And if you dare and want to show your creations to the world, do not hesitate to label us, we will love to see them through the networks!
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