The main ingredient of this dish is rice, as its name suggests, which comes from riso , which is the name given to this cereal in Italian.
This one in particular, is a Risotto risotto ai funghi , as it carries shiitake mushrooms and mushrooms, which give it a delicate and irresistible flavor.
The risotto stands out for its texture, and the best thing is that it does not need any type of dairy ingredient or vegetable cream to obtain it, since the starch of the rice, together with the way of cooking it (adding the broth little by little and stirring constantly) , they make the result more creamy.
For this purpose, it must be borne in mind that not all rice is the same, so the arborio and carnaroli varieties are the most recommended because of their higher starch content and their capacity to endure without overdoing it.
This risotto ai funghi provides carbohydrates , fiber , amino acids , flavonoids , vitamins C , D , E and of group B ( B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 and B9 or folic acid ), calcium , copper , phosphorus , sulfur , iron , sodium , potassium , magnesium , selenium , manganese , silicon and, in smaller quantity, zinc .
Below you can see what ingredients you need and the steps to follow to make this risotto so smooth and creamy.
Difficulty level | Preparation time | Rations |
Easy | 40 m. | For 3 people |
- 70 gr. from shiitake
- 70 gr. mushroom
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 l. water
- 1 vegetable broth pill
- 250 gr. rice
- 1 onion
- 1 glass white wine
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- vegan parmesan cheese (optional)
- We put in a pot the water and the broth tablet, and let it dissolve.
- We add the shiitake mushrooms and the mushrooms to the pot and cook them for 5 minutes. After this time, we take them out and reserve them.
- In a frying pan, heat the oil and chop the garlic and onion. When the oil is hot, we toss the garlic and the onion in the pan and let it be done until the onion is poached.
- We put the mushrooms and mushrooms in the pan with the onion, and let them be done for 3 minutes.
- Next, we put the rice in the pan and stir it for 3 more minutes.
- We add the wine and let it reduce, stirring from time to time. When we see that the rice has absorbed the wine, we take a saucepan of hot vegetable broth, and repeat every time the rice is running out of liquid, until all the broth has been poured.
- Once we have absorbed all the broth that we had, we stir again, turn off the heat and serve hot, with a little vegan parmesan cheese sprinkled on top if we want to highlight its flavor.

- The ideal rice for this recipe is arborio rice or carnaroli rice, since they are the types of rice with the highest starch content.
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