Although cannelloni have their origin in sixteenth-century Italy, those we do today have French air, as the bechamel is native to the Gallic country and was included in the recipe a posteriori, specifically in the eighteenth century.
The cannelloni, which owe their name to the cannular shape that characterizes them (from Italian canna ), did not arrive in Spain until a century later (s.XIX), but at that time only the bourgeoisie could afford to taste them.
The version we propose is much healthier than the one consumed at that time, adapting better to our nutritional needs and to our goal of living a lifestyle as sustainable and ethical as possible.
Soy allows us to replace the animal flesh of conventional cannelloni with vegetable meat of similar texture and appearance, but with twice as much protein and no cholesterol .
The result is super tasty cannelloni thanks to the sofrito with which the dough is prepared, and the bechamel that is added to it, which gives them a softness and a delicate and delicious texture. In addition, the final touch of gratin, gives them an irresistible crisp point.
At the nutritional level, the filling of these cannelloni is, thanks to soy , rich in complete proteins , complex carbohydrates and fiber, low in fat and sugars and, as we have said, free of cholesterol.
Below you can see what ingredients you need and what steps you have to follow in order to enjoy a very simple and perfect recipe to start replacing the most traditional dishes with new, healthier and richer versions.
Difficulty level | Preparation time | Rations |
Medium | 1 h. y 30 m. | For 16 units |
- 100 gr. textured soy
- 1 onion
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1 bay leaf
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 16 pasta plates for cannelloni
- 750 ml. vegan Bechamel
- vegetable cheese
- We hydrated the soy with warm water for 10 minutes. After this time, we put it in a drainer to eliminate excess water.
- In a large pan, put 3 tablespoons of oil and light the fire. Grate the onion and garlic and, when the oil is hot, we toss them in the pan and turn a few times so that they pochet. We leave it done about 10 minutes.
- When the onion is poached, we toss the soybeans and the bay leaf and stir. Add spices and salt, stir again to mix everything and let cook 10 minutes more. After this time, we withdraw from the fire and reserve.
- In a large pan, put 3/4 of water to heat with a few drops of oil and salt and, when it breaks to boil, take the pasta plates one at a time and cook them following the instructions on the package. When they are at their point, we take them out and we drain them again one by one, and we put them on a flat surface and covered by a clean dishcloth.
- Prepare the bechamel and, when we have it ready, we toss a little of it on the dough we have prepared and stir to mix all the ingredients and get a smooth dough.
- We put to preheat the oven to 200º for 15 minutes and, while, we take dough with a spoon and fill with it each of the plates, rolling them with care that they do not break or open.
- We put a little béchamel, spread it on the bottom of a baking tray and place on it the cannelloni, one by one and so that they are aligned. When we have all placed, we toss the béchamel sauce and sprinkle some vegetable cheese to gratin.
- In the preheated oven, put the tray with the cannelloni to grill them, and let them boil for 10 minutes, making sure they do not burn. If after this time, they are not yet gratined, we leave them a little more but still watch. When they are well gratined, we take them out and serve them.

- You can use plates for cannelloni both wheat and other gluten-free flours.
- To make these cannelloni more digestive, you can add a piece of Kombu seaweed when hydrating the soy. Then you remove it and continue with the recipe in a normal way.
- These cannelloni also look great with parmesan vegetal sprinkled above. If you opt for it, remember that by not melting, it is better to add it at the end to avoid burning and its taste is altered.
If you have any questions, you can leave it to us in the comments. And if you dare and want to show your creations to the world, do not hesitate to label us, we will love to see them through the networks!
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