This ceviche from Portobello is a fresh and juicy dish with a very vivid and summery taste, slightly sour and with an aromatic and spicy touch absolutely irresistible.
Continue reading «Vegan Portobello cebiche»This ceviche from Portobello is a fresh and juicy dish with a very vivid and summery taste, slightly sour and with an aromatic and spicy touch absolutely irresistible.
Continue reading «Vegan Portobello cebiche»This spicy Peruvian vegan meat is a traditional Peruvian stew very tasty and with a delicious intense point that makes it very special.
Continue reading «Vegan meat Peruvian picante»This dish offers a different and delicious option to consume a nutritious and healthy food such as cauliflower. Its great attraction lies in its flavor, a sweet and exquisite taste with mild spicy notes that gradually gain intensity to form an amalgam of flavors absolutely captivating.
Continue reading «Baked cauliflower with sweet chili sauce»These potato bombs filled with spicy soy with aioli cover are a tastier and healthier version of the popular bombs, as they do not contain any animal-derived ingredients and, therefore, do not contain any cholesterol either.
Continue reading «Potato pumps stuffed with spicy soy with alioli»Fajitas are one of the most top dishes of Mexican cuisine, since they usually have a combination of spices that make them super tasty and really addictive.
Continue reading «Mexican Vegan Fajitas»